Surf + Skate Relay with Girls Who Wanna Surf Organization

South Bay Board Co had a hectic June, however, we had an awesome collaboration with Girls Who Wanna Surf to host a surf + skate relay race.

Girls Who Wanna Surf is an amazing organization that hosts community surf sessions all over southern California. They are all inclusive, no fees, no pressure, and bring people together through the world of surf. 

In this relay, each team had two members, with the first person skating to a specific point and back. When they tagged their teammate, they had to quickly put on their wetsuit and rush to the sea to ride a wave.

The team that completed this challenge fastest was rewarded with a championship board plaque and two brand new surfboards. The 2nd and 3rd place teams received beach/surf equipment like: wax, towels, rash guards, paint pens, etc. It was a remarkable and empowering event and we are very grateful for everyone who showed up.

We will be hosting many events in the future just like this one. Be on the lookout on our socials @southbayboardco to stay up to date. 

A huge thank you to the GWWS organization for putting this event on with us and everyone who came out to participate. Congratulations to all the winners and we hope to see you at the next one.